Grape & Wine analysers
Grape analysis solutions for the wine industry in the receiving area, fermentation and final wine processing and packaging
Grape and Wine analysis of Brix, Baume, CO2, O2, PH, Colour and acidity in a wide variety of applications throughout the processing plant.

Maselli – Wine Analyser

Maselli have manufactured wine analysis systems since 1948, with the latest generation grape analysers we incorporated state of the art chemical, optical and electronic technologies. The wine analysis systems are composed of multiple components for various parts of the growing and processing of grapes.Â
A world leader in this technology for over 60 years when it comes to wine analysers, grape analysers and sampling of grapes in the receiving area, Maselli is a quality brand you can trust..
Our product range includes a wide selection of tools to meet each individual application from the maturation of grapes in the field to the final product going into the bottle. These are broken down into 4 specific categories:
- Maturation
- Receiving Area
- Fermentation
- Process

Grape Maturation Analyser

Maselli MT01 – The Ultimate Grape Maturation System
Analysis of the phenolic trend during grapes maturity is an essential measurement to determine the correct techniques for the next stage of the winemaking process. The important phenolic components are colour, astringency, body and flavour that have an effect on the wine’s final characteristics.
The Maselli Maturity Trend Grape Analyser can measure the same phenolic values that are usually calculated usin=g wet chemistry procedures. The MT01 has the advantage of a very simple method, very fast analysis, and without the use of any chemical reagents. The MT00 is a diffuse reflectance spectrophotometer with specific wavelengths selected for analysis of grape components.
The system creates maturation curves for different grape growing plots to allow graphical comparison among plots in different years and statistical calculations. This tool is designed to assist the growers select the optimum time to harvest the crop.
Maselli LR05 – The Ultimate Wine Refractometer
The LR05 digital refractometer is a stand-alone unit designed for Laboratory analysis of the must
the result in Brix or nD with maximum accuracy 0.02 Brix, 0.00004nD. It is designed to be accurate and robust and also features a user programmable scale for specific applications.
The LR05 will signal to the process operator when brix level is outside of specifications or
has reached its target end point. TheLR05 is a primary analysis method and does not have any drift. Due to the optical technology, the equipment has virtually no maintenance.
Winery Receiving Area

Maselli SA series – Grape Analyser
The SA Series is able to measure different parameters of a grape must sample simultaneously at the time of delivery to the wine processing plant. The standard configuration of the unit is for the sugar level of the grapes in Brix or Baume but the system has the ability to add further analysis from the same sample for PH, Total Acidity, Colour and Grape Sanity measurements.Â
The system is designed to be modular so if you would like to add analysis at any time during the system life the SA can be upgraded at your convenience. The automatic analysis cycle (sampling, measuring and washing) is controlled by the system and it can be connected to an external printer and/or to the processing plant’s management system.Â
The sample to be can be delivered to the SA series analyser manually and automatically. For the automatic configuration, the analyzer is connected to the Maselli CC05 truck sampling probe by means of the GT27 must transfer unit.
The analysis cycle can be conducted by only one operator using the joystick control panel. The farmers delivering the grapes to the site are also able to see the results of the analysis in a dedicated remote display.
Maselli LA02 – Grape Analyser
The LA02 Grape Analyser is designed to work in the receiving area and analyses the sugar content and the pH (optional) of a grape must sample at the time of delivery. The LA02 automatically controls the analysis cycle (sampling, measuring and washing) and displays the results Brix or Baume + PH (optional). The measurement basin is automatically washed after each cycle with a dedicated wiper.
The LA02 can be connected to an external printer and/or to the processing plant’s management system. The sample to be can be delivered to the SA series analyser manually and automatically. For the automatic configuration, the analyzer is connected to the Maselli CC05 truck sampling probe by means of the GT27 must transfer unit.
The analysis cycle can be conducted by only one operator using the joystick control panel. The farmers delivering the grapes to the site are also able to see the results of the analysis in a dedicated remote display.
Maselli LR03 – Grape Analyser
The LR03 refractometer measures the sugar content in a sample of grape must in Brix or Baume at the time of delivery to the wine processing plant. The system uses manual washing, rinsing and measurement operations with guidance from the touch screen operator panel.
The LR03 has a serial output, allowing the user to print the data or connect up to the processing plant’s management software.
The LR03 wine must analysis is extremely repeatable and is not affected by color. The design of the vertical prism and prism cleaner allows the unit to ignore the presence of suspended solids and emulsions in the must. The analysis of 200 ml of must makes the measurement representative of the sample taken. The LR03 is compact in design meaning it can be easily moved to locations in most need of analysis.
The LA02 Grape Analyser is designed to work in the receiving area and analyses the sugar content and the pH (optional) of a grape must sample at the time of delivery. The LA02 automatically controls the analysis cycle (sampling, measuring and washing) and displays the results Brix or Baume + PH (optional). The measurement basin is automatically washed after each cycle with a dedicated wiper.
The LA02 can be connected to an external printer and/or to the processing plant’s management system. The sample to be can be delivered to the SA series analyser manually and automatically. For the automatic configuration, the analyzer is connected to the Maselli CC05 truck sampling probe by means of the GT27 must transfer unit.
The analysis cycle can be conducted by only one operator using the joystick control panel. The farmers delivering the grapes to the site are also able to see the results of the analysis in a dedicated remote display.
Maselli BL01 – In-Line Grape Analyser
The BL-01 is an in-line analyser for continuous measurement of must (crushed grapes) under the receiving pits at the wineries receiving area. The BL01 is typically mounted in the transfer line between the grape crusher and the fermenter.
The BL01 is especially useful where the crushing is conducted in batches. You can connect upto 4 BL01 analyers installed in 4 different lines to a central control panel with software. The BL01 measures the Brix or Baume value and as an option the system can be completed with a pH measurement.
The operator interface panel with software receives the data sent by the inline BL01 sensors (up to 4) and then processes and stores it in a databas This data can then be exported to the plants main control system or to the cloud. The operator interface panel is usually installed in the central location managing all the operations of all the crushers in the winery.
Maselli OV01 – Grape Sampler
The OV01 grape sampling system has been designed to sample from storage bins where the traditional struck sampler cannot be used. The SV01 produces grape must for analysis. This portable trolley-mounted system is easy to move and fitted with a light, portable extension probe which cuts the grape berry skins and extracts the released juice by vacuum, The sampler is PLC-controlled.
The must can be transferred automatically by connecting the OV01 to the Maselli analysis systems. The sample can also be collected manually and used in the wine analysis systems. The components of the system are sanitary so the must sample can also be reused and returned back to the process after measurement.
Maselli CC05 – Grape Sampler
The CC05 sampler is designed to be fixed at the receiving area of the winery and is capable of sampling from small and large trucks. The CC05 sample allows the winery to evaluate the quality of the raw fruit in order to both give the correct pricing to the farmer.
The Maselli CC05 is widely used in the wine industry and is the most sophisticated truck sampler available. The CC05 has unique design features that allow it to sample from the very bottom of the truck giving a truly representative sample of the fruit being delivered to the winery. The grapes are randomly selected are and turned into must with high efficiency.
The unit can be operated by 1 person using the sampler joystick. This way the operator can move the probe in order to easily get several samples from the same truck in a short space of time. The CC05 sample is then delivered to one of the Maselli range of analysers by means of a dedicated GT27 must transfer unit.
The CC05 sampler design is well proven in the industry with thousands of installations globally, it is well known for its accuracy, reliability and has a reputation for robustness and low maintenance.
Wine Fermentation

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LP20 – Laboratory and At Line Alcohol in Wine
The LP20 can be used either in the laboratory or at line for measuring Alcohol wine. The system operates using refractive index and sound velocity technology to give fast and accurate analysis of the alcohol content during fermentation and for the final product.
The LP20 will accept a sample from a beaker or if the product is packaged there is also a package sampler to withdraw the sample from the bottle.
The LP20, uses rechargeable batteries so it is portable and is designed to be plugged into tanks or piping directly. The non drift optical technology with no moving parts means the analyzer does not require any maintenance.
LM03 – Wine Fermentation Analyser
The LM03 can be used to measure both the must and the must/ wine during the fermentation process. When used for must applications the LM03 analyses the sugar content expressed in different selectable scales (Brix, Baume etc). During fermentation the same unit can be used to analyse the alcohol content of the tank.
The LM03 system, usually placed in the laboratory, and uses a digital refractometer combined with a conductivity analyzer and measures the sample without the use of chemical reagents making all the process very quick and easy. All date is collected in an on board data base for further processing or export to the factories main control systems.
LM03 – Wine Fermentation Analyser
The LM03 can be used to measure both the must and the must/ wine during the fermentation process. When used for must applications the LM03 analyses the sugar content expressed in different selectable scales (Brix, Baume etc). During fermentation the same unit can be used to analyse the alcohol content of the tank.
The LM03 system, usually placed in the laboratory, and uses a digital refractometer combined with a conductivity analyzer and measures the sample without the use of chemical reagents making all the process very quick and easy. All date is collected in an on board data base for further processing or export to the factories main control systems.
Wine Process Applications

Maselli BA06 – In Line Wine Analysers
Wine manufacturers require analysis of many parameters through process. From the measurement of the must to the final wine there are many applications for the Maselli Inline wine analyser. With its unique modular construction the wine analyser can be designed with the required analysis modules to build a system meeting each application needs. We provide modules for the analysis of Refractive Index, Brix, Baume, Alcohol, Plato, Extract, Original Gravity, Specific Gravity, Kcal, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, PH and Conductivity.
The Maselli wine analyser BA06 is the only 100% inline system for continuous analysis of wine. Because the system was designed to be installed directly into the process line with Varivent fittings, there is no bypass loops or pumps. This design guarantees the best sanitary conditions eliminating any risk of contamination and this also reduces installation cost. The sensors connect directly to our user-friendly controllers that display results locally for the operator and can be connected to the plant control system via various output protocols including, Ethernet, Profibus and Devicenet for process control. The system is fully networkable and can be connected to a PC running our Multilab software for data collection.
The Maselli system is a true inline wine analyser providing rapid and reliable analysis results for process and quality control. The analysers are all solid state with no moving parts making them robust and practically maintenance free.
Maselli UC09 – Inline CO2 Analyser
The UC09 in line Carbon Dioxide Analyser is an in line system designed to analyse CO2 content of a sparkling wine in real time. The system can be mounted directly in the process using a varivent or tri-clamp sanitary connection and has analogue and digital outputs for connection to the plant PLC or control system.
The UC09 can be used after CO2 injection or used after wine refreshers to analyse the precise level of carbonation.
Being a solid state device there is no maintenance required and you can connect the UC09 together with other in line devices from the Maselli range for dissolved Oxygen or Alcohol for example.
UG01 – InLine Oxygen Analyzer
The UG01 in line Dissolved Oxygen Analyser is an in line system designed to analyse O2 content wine in real time. The system can be mounted directly in the process using a varivent or tri-clamp sanitary connection and has analogue and digital outputs for connection to the plant PLC or control system.
The UG01 can measure dissolved Oxygen in the ranges 0-2000ppb or 0-45 ppm
Being a solid state device there is very little maintenance required and you can connect the UC09 together with other in line devices from the Maselli range for CO2 or Alcohol for example.
Maselli UR24 – The Ultimate Inline Wine Refractometer
The UR24 digital refractometer is a stand-alone unit designed for direct installation in-line
or in a tank or vessel. It continuously measures concentration and displays and outputs
the result in Brix or nD or % concentration with maximum accuracy 0.02 Brix, 0.00004nD. It also features a user
programmable scale for specific applications.
The UR24 will signal to the process when concentration is outside of specifications or
has reached its target end point by means of analogue and digital interfaces (Profibus DP
is available as an option). The analyzer does not have any drift in the time so that it does
not need any adjustment vs the laboratory: after the initial configuration during start up,
the operators in the plant do not have to touch the system anymore. Due to the optical
technology, the equipment is virtually no maintenance.
Maselli UR32 – The Essential Inline Wine Refractometer
The UR32 digital refractometer is a stand-alone unit designed for direct installation in-line
or in a tank or vessel via a Maselli DF15 mounting fitting. It continuously measures concentration and displays and outputs the result in Brix or nD or % concentration with maximum accuracy 0.05 Brix, 0.00007nD. It also features a user
programmable scale for specific applications.
The UR32 will signal to the process when concentration is outside of specifications or
has reached its target end point by means of analogue and digital interfaces (Profibus DP
is available as an option). The analyzer does not have any drift in the time so that it does
not need any adjustment vs the laboratory: after the initial configuration during start up,
the operators in the plant do not have to touch the system anymore. Due to the optical
technology, the equipment is virtually no maintenance.
Maselli UR62 – The Basic Inline Wine Refractometer
The UR62 digital refractometer is a probe style refractometer designed for simple installation in-line or in a
tank or vessel. It continuously measures concentration and displays and outputs the
result in Brix or nD or % concentration with maximum accuracy 0.1 Brix, 0.0002nD.
The UR62 will signal to the process when concentration is outside of
specifications or has reached its target end point by means of analogue 4-20 mA output.
The probe is easily set up and configured through a PC or portable computing device
using its built-in RS485 interface. It can also be connected to the optional RC-24 touch
screen operator display unit. The analyzer does not have any drift in the time so that it
does not need any adjustment vs the laboratory: after the initial configuration during
start up, the operators in the plant do not have to touch the system anymore. Due to
the optical technology, the equipment is virtually no maintenance.
- Baume Monitor
- Wine Analyser
- Inline Beverage Analysis
- nD Refractometer
- nD Analyser
- Refractometric Analyser
- Brix Refractometer
- Sugar Refractometer
- Grape Sampler
- Brix Analyser
- Brix Analyser
- Inline Brix Analyser
- Inline Brix
- Inline Sugar
- Wine Refractometer
- Laboratory Wine Refractometer
- Brix Meter
- Dissolved CO2 in Wine
- Dissolved Oxygen in Wine
- Grape sampler
Typical wine analysis questions answered by our experts
What can I use to check wine must quality ?
There are many analysis methods available for different parameters in the wine must. Typically the most common is to measure the Brix or Baume for the sugar content, this is particularly important as the sugar converts to alcohol during the fermentation process. The Brix or baume is typically measured using a refractometer. Other common analysis performed on wine must would be PH and Total Acidity.
How can I take a sample of grapes from a truck or bin?
Samples have been taken traditionally using manual methods, which can be cumbersome and nor representative of the entire load. The more accurate method wuld be to use one of the various types of grape sampler that can be used for this purpose. These are designed from small portable units to larger hydraulic arms and samplers used in large scale winery receiving areas.
How does a wine receiving area must refractometer work?
A refractometer uses light to measure liquid concentration. An LED sends the light into a sapphire or balf prism. The prism is in contact with the wine and the light from the LED is reflected back from the liquid surface like a mirror. The angle of the reflected light will change depending upon the liquid concentration. This reflected angle is called the angle of refraction. A refractometer uses a CCD to capture the returned light from the liquid. A shadow will be cast on the CCD and this shadow will move based on the angle of refraction. A refractometer uses the output from the CCD to precisely calculate the liquid concentration based upon the CCD image.
What are the different types of wine must refractometer?
All wine must refractometers operate on the same principle, but there are many different versions of refractometers from basic to very sophisticated. A user would select the type needed based on the application, accuracy and budget they have for a refractometer. There are very simple hand held refractometers that are purley held up to the light and using the eye the reading is taken, these are typically low cost and low accuracy and affected by human error. The next level would be a small hand held digital refractometer where the determination of the refractive index is calculated electronically, these come in low, medium and high accuracy and will vary in cost accordingly. There are laboratory and at line refractometers for bench top use and these also come in various accuracies and will be selected based on the application and accuracy needed. Inline refractometers would be the last refractometer type and these will monitor a process continuously, these also have various types and brands and should be selected based on the accuracy required and application.
What is inline process?
The term inline process is used when a measurement of a product is required to be done during the manufacturing process. This product could be a liquid or also me a solid material as there are alo technologies to measure solid materials inline. In the case of a refractometer, inline process analysis means analysing the concentration of a liquid during the manufacturing process. This becomes especially important if the manufacturer wants to improve quality or increase yield from the liquid.
How does and Inline wine must refrectometer work?
An Inline process refractometer is typically mounted into the production line using a ferrule, spool or mounting fitting. These inline connections come in various types from tri-clamp sanitary to Varivent and flanged connections with various flange patterns. The Inline fitting is usually welded or connected to mating flanges at the position where the most representative reading of the process can take place. The Inline refractometer is then inserted into the fitting and it will measure by sending a light beam into the process medium and measuring the angle or refraction of the returned light onto a CCD detector. From the CCD the liquid concentration or Brix (%Sugar) can be determined
Is a Brix meter and Baume refractometer the same?
Yes these devices have different names but are the same type of device. Brix / Baume is a term used in industry for % sugar concentration 1 degree Brix is 1 gram of sugar in a 100 gram solution. A refractometer is very simple to operate and the most accurate way of measuring sugar or brix / Baume concentration in a liquid.